ObsCure Wiki

Alan Gardener was a student of Leafmore High in 1969 and he is only mentioned in ObsCure. He never appears physically in the game, but he plays a critical role in helping the Leafmore Survivors to get into the underground lab with information from his diary. It contains proof of the Friedman brothers' experiments and the diary entries are narrated in his voice.


Born in 1952, Alan was once a student of Leafmore High. Not much is known about his appearance or personality. One can guess that he was a particularly curious and an impulsive guy much like Josh Carter.

Student days[]

First half of 1969[]

Impressed that there was little to no information regarding the mysterious disappearance of 26 students in Leafmore, Alan began to gather information on the school's founders, Herbert and Leonard Friedman. He noted that even tho Leafmore was founded in 1902, both seemed to look just as old then as they did when it was founded. He was able to obtain the birth certificates of the twins and was stunned by the fact that, according to the papers, Herbert was 110 years old.

Second Half[]

Alan kept on investigating and would be discovered that the Friedman brothers went on an expedition to Africa in 1895 where they discovered the Mortifilia, a mysterious plant. He also inquired about Leonard and his wife, a woman who married him in 1885 and was very similar to the school's nurse: Elisabeth Wickson. Leonard disappeared and he was presumed dead after a plane crash that took place near Long Island in 1921. Frightened but, at the same time, fascinated by these discoveries, Alan began to stalk Herbert, the principal of Leafmore High, and visited his office. There, he discovered several photographs of some monstrous experiments performed on the students, coming to the conclusion that there was an underground laboratory beneath the school. He secretly followed Herbert and visited the underground lab. Alan drew a map revealing a giant door that he speculated would open up through a mechanism activated by using four statuettes, three of which were held in the library and the other one in the gardens. Reading Friedman's notes, he assumed that the cause of the mutation of the kidnapped students was due to the presence of Mortifilia in them. Whenever the students were exposed to light, the Mortifilia in their bodies would begin to create fast mutations, that would only worsen the more time they spent exposed to the light.

Beginning of December[]

Determined to shed light on the matter, Alan hid his diary with all of his discoveries, Friedman's old office key, and the map of the school's basement on December 2nd, 1969 in a safe found in his room in the dormitory. He decided to enter one last time in the underground to find out what was behind the big door. He was allegedly discovered and captured by Herbert Friedman in December 3rd and then was subjected to terrifying experiments. During his captivity, however, he was able to leave a note outside one of the cells, likely the one where he was held captive, where he urged anyone who found it to look for his diary in the dorm so they can finish what he had started.

Leafmore Incident[]

Captured in 1969, Alan probably died during the events of ObsCure, however, it is likely that he was the first student to become an ArbolTrebol in Friedman's underground lab. It can be speculated that it was him, because you can find his note right outside the cell, underneath a cart. It can also be assumed that the student in the cell has been there for a long time, as it transforms into an ArbolTrebol just by having a flashlight shined at it (usually, with fresher mutants, this will only weaken them). Most of his discoveries and notes can be found in his dormitory, after opening the crate in where he had hidden his diary. By reading the contents, the Leafmore Survivors gain very useful information on Alan's discoveries and on Friedman's laboratory.


  • It Is likely that the surname Gardener is a reference to the Urban Legend's characters, Paul Gardner, who was portrayed by Jared Leto.
  • In the Spanish dub, Alan has the same voice actor as Walden. This may lead to confusion, as one may think both characters are the same.
Kenny MatthewsShannon MatthewsJosh CarterAshley ThompsonStan Jones
Herbert FriedmanDenny WaldenElisabeth WicksonMr. GarrisonDanAlan Gardener
BiterInfected StudentEvolved InfectedCrawler FlyCrabArbolTrebolQueenLeonard Friedman
Automatic PistolBaseball BatMetal BarOld ShotgunOld PistolRevolverTwo Barrel ShotgunFlashlightLaserMorgenstern BatLaser GunLight Grenade
Leafmore High (CafeteriaHerbert's OfficeGymnasium)
ItemsSecrets and Unlockables