ObsCure Wiki

The First Aid Kit is an obtainable item that appears in every main-lineObsCure game in the series. It's a healing item that restores a large amount of the character's health. They are commonly found in hidden locations throughout the games, and usually appear as white, metal cases with a red cross on the front, denoting its medical contents.


It's a small suitcase which, if used, restores a large amount of energy (approximately 75%). Unlike energy drinks, they can be used on a partner. They are subject to Shannon Matthews' ability: when she uses them, the healing power increases by 25%.

ObsCure II[]

First aid cases reappear in ObsCure II. They can be found in various places in Fallcreek and randomly in boxes (the game will usually give you a medkit from a box if you don't have any). As in the previous chapter, they regenerate a great deal of energy.


  • Technically, the use of a red cross on a white background is not permitted under the terms of the Geneva Convention[1]. The game's devs likely didn't know about this, as it was not heavily enforced on videogames when ObsCure 1 and 2 were released, plus, due to their obscurity, it's unlikely that they'd get contacted to remove it from the game.

