ObsCure Wiki

"The pain has gone. And I have opened my eyes."
— Kenny to Shannon in ObsCure II

Kenny Matthews is a major playable character in ObsCure and ObsCure II. He was the captain of the basketball team of Leafmore High called the Sharks, and quarterback for the football team of Fallcreek University.

Due to being fit, he is the fastest and the strongest of his friends. However, like Stan, Kenny is mentally weak and has to take pills to keep the spores at bay after the events of the first game.



Kenny is very athletic and full of energy. He is popular due to being the basketball captain and an average student grade-wise. According to Mr. Walden's notes, he skips classes often, although not as often as Stan.

After he is locked in the school, he pursuits a thief, who stole his backpack, and follows him into to the basement of a house behind the school's gardens, showing strong signs of courage and little to no fear. When he discovers Dan, he offers to help him.

He does have a few negative traits though. He gets annoyed pretty easily, as right at the start of the game, he gets quite annoyed at Josh, whom he accidentally bumps into while playing basketball, and tells him to get out of the way. He is also pretty cocky, as he does not listen to his sister, Shannon Matthews, who reminds him that he promised their parents, he'd be home early. He also shrugs her off, claiming that he told their parents he'd be home early, but not to her, showing he doesn't really respect his parents. He can be irresponsible, as he has been late to a date with his girlfriend, Ashley. His profile claims he should not view basketball as the only subject worthy of his interest, and that he has a quarrelsome attitude. In the second game, Shannon often calls him "little brother", alluding to his childish and irresponsible personality, as in reality, Shannon is the youngest of the two.

Two years after the events of the first game, he is still shown to be pretty cocky. He maintains his tough guy persona, but beneath hides a very weak character. His irresponsibility finally gets the best of him, as he snorts some tea made with a flower on the campus, even though Shannon forbid him and he runs out of his medicine that he used to treat his infection from Mortifilia. He shows that, despite his physical strength, he's mentally much weaker than he was years ago, likely as a result of what he went through in Leafmore. He panics when he can't find any of his pills, he calls Shannon to be the tough one in the family, and easily succumbs to Mortifilia spores.


Kenny is a great runner. Using his ability will give the player a speed boost, which is very useful on hard mode, where the player needs to preserve ammo. After a few seconds of running, he will slow down to his normal speed. If he stops after using all of his running ability, he will pant for a few seconds, before regaining his speed boost again. Interestingly, his regular walking speed is slower than that of the other characters'.

In the second game, he doesn't appear to have his speed boost anymore. Instead, the game focuses on his strength, a trait he shares with a fellow survivor, Sven Hanson. He is able to push really heavy objects, that the players can use as a stepping stone or to free a passageway.


Leafmore Incident[]


Kenny notices someone appears to have stolen his bag

At the beginning of the game, Kenny is playing basketball with a few friends (one of them is Stan, the other ones are not known) while Shannon watches and Josh records the match for the weekly school newspaper. When everyone leaves, he goes to a locker room to check his ringing phone. It was a call from his girlfriend, Ashley, reminding him not to be late for their date. While he wasn't looking, someone steals his backpack. He chases after the figure, going through the school's previously unknown gardens and into a kind of shed. The sounds of monsters coming from a nearby shaft makes him nervous and he grabs a nearby pistol, and tapes a flashlight to it. He then climbs down the shaft via ladder and goes down a dark hallway with pipes and large bleeding blood roots coming from the walls. At the end of the hallway, he encounters a door blocked by a large cloud of Black Spores. Using the flashlight that was taped to his pistol, he dissipates the spores and enters the door.


Kenny meets Dan in the school's underground.

Inside, he finds many cages, boxes, and medical supplies. At the far end of the room, he finds a light coming from a window and enters a door to find its source. He enters the unlocked door of this room, and finds a sickly young man named Dan, who seems to be paranoid and isn't making much sense, but it seems that whoever led him here, also kidnapped the poor kid. The two venture back the way Kenny had entered. As they get halfway into the room full of cages and boxes, a nearby supposedly locked door bursts open and a large monster with meaty arms and sharp claws, along with some strange smaller creatures appear. Both Kenny and Dan make their way to the other side of the room, but the exit door was blocked by a cage. Fighting hard, Kenny and Dan move it and get to the hallway. In their running, Dan is seemingly killed by a large monster, leaving Kenny alone on his escape. When he finally makes it down the hall to the ladder, the shaft hole is closed up, trapping Kenny.

Later, it can be seen via camera that he is trapped in the laboratory that's beneath the school. The group manages to find Kenny in the cell block, and Kenny says that they have to get him out of here before Friedman comes, but right at that moment, Herbert shows up and knocks them unconscious with a smoke grenade. When they wake up and open the cells, Kenny says that they have to ask the nurse where the antidote is, and find it before the sun rises, if not, they will die and transform into monsters.

They eventually find the nurse, but she is bleeding, and in agony. She says that the serum is in the lab, and that Herbert has it. The boys find some statuettes throughout the school, when they get to the lab, they find another big monster that blocks the mechanism that needs the statuettes, and kill it. When they put the statuettes on the machine, the group realizes that they need to find a lever to activate the mechanism. They find it in a nearby room, after fighting more monsters, and use it on the machine. A giant door that they found earlier in another room opens, and while they make their way back, Walden happens to walk into the room with the big door and enters the chamber. When the group arrives, they find him pointing a gun at Friedman. Walden demanded of Friedman to give him the antidote, but Herbert refused, arguing that it was too late because he was already mutating. Walden doesn't listen and shoots Herbert, and is finally killed by Leonard.

For the Leafmore Survivors

Kenny and Ashley embracing in the Good Ending.

The team gets there, they find Walden's bag full of ammo, and battle Leonard. Later, Leonard seems to be dead. They climb up to the surface floor of a wrecked school gym and inject themselves with the antidote. Suddenly Leonard comes out from the underground wreckage of the school gym and is defeated at once by the sunlight while the team defended itself from his attacks in the meantime. Kenny kisses with Ashley, while Stan goes to grab the briefcase but then it makes a sound, and Stan jumps aside, and dodges, and shoots his gun.

Fallcreek Outbreak[]

Two years after the events of Leafmore, Kenny enrolled in the University of Fallcreek with his sister Shannon. After Friedman's infection, the boy became totally addicted to the medicines to make up for the mutation and was thus forced to take a large daily quantity. Shannon, who resists the mutation thanks to her will, tries to help him as she can, by taking charge of the insecurities that Kenny manifests only with her. After breaking up his relationship with Ashley, Kenny begins to take an interest in Amy Brookes, one of the most desired girls on the campus who, however, is torn between Kenny's swagger and the more serious attitude of Sven Hansen, hockey player university. Thanks to his physical prowess, Kenny becomes the quarterback of the local football team the Fallcreek Pitbulls, thus managing to obtain a discreet circle of friends, towards whom, however, he does not express himself completely being still very weakened by the experience at Leafmore.

After some time, however, several black flowers begin to bloom on the university campus, blooming only at night, as if they feared the light. Students have no qualms about using these plants as a light drug and even Kenny gets carried away by this fashion, despite Shannon trying to prevent it. With friends Sven, Amy, Corey, Mei and Jun he decides to take part in an exclusive party, reserved only for the wealthiest students, of the ΔΘГ brotherhood which celebrates his two hundredth year. So he presents himself at the party of February 23 together with Amy. However, not being in the company of the twins Wang, who know the members of the brotherhood, the two are rejected by the bouncer and are forced to enter the headquarters of the ΔΘГ through a window on the first floor.

In the meantime, however, the black flowers on campus bloom totally releasing massive doses of Mortifilia which pour on all those who had abused the new drug. Kenny and Amy make their way through the changed students of the party thanks to a gun found in the billiard room and reach a library where they meet Prof Richard James. They are subsequently joined by Mei and Corey (they too arrived at the party too late) and, together with the latter, Kenny manages to reach the exit of the building. Outside they meet Sven, at the same time a student about to change steals Corey's car to escape and the latter chases him through the woods with Amy while Mei and Sven return to campus to help Jun, who is trapped in her dormitory. Kenny, however, is affected by a malaise for having tried the drug and for being abstinent from the drugs, so he calls his sister and goes to the hospital to find medicine.

I have opened my eyes

Unable to fight the Mortifilia any longer, Kenny transforms in front of Shannon.

There, neither himself, nor Shannon, can find any and Shannon tries to convince her brother that it is her will that makes the difference. Unfortunately, Kenny gives in and lets Mortifilia get the better by covering an entire floor of the campus hospital with black spores. Thanks to her new faculties of control over evil spores, Shannon manages to escape and, while she is still changing, Kenny calls her with inhuman screams.

He then turns into a deformed monster and ambushes the group of surviving students in the hospital warehouse and, after having stunned Amy, Sven and Richard, has a brief confrontation with Corey and Mei. He then manages to skewer Corey on a protruding iron and crushes Mei's head before his eyes. Before he can do anything else, however, Shannon and Stan intervene, contacted by the girl, who manage to force Kenny to flee.

However, the monster is far from defeated and reaches the group at the Fallcreek dam, where he kidnaps Amy, while the others are stunned by a car accident (except Shannon and Stan who had left to verify that the place was safe). He rapes and impregnates an unconscious Amy. The group of students reached him in the engine room of the dam and here Kenny has a clash with Shannon and Corey who manage, through the use of some levers to release large metal components, to crush the monster inside a pipeline.

Shannon touch kenny

As Kenny dies, he begs Shannon to please take care of his child.

Kenny, however, does not die and reaches Corey at the stadium, when the sun has risen, while he was trying to save Amy from the ΔΘГ. Here he tries to convince her to join him, presenting that destiny as the only feasible; Corey, however, exhausted by the horrors experienced, says that the only one to which he will belong to forever is Mei and commits suicide by shooting himself in the head. The scene is also attended by Shannon and Stan, the last two survivors, who engage in a final deadly clash with Kenny. He will be killed by an iron structure that the two will make him fall on him. With his last words, Kenny asks Shannon to look after his offspring but this assures him that he will kill any monster born of Amy.

After his death, the helicopter is seen flying away, and Amy gives birth. The helicopter then explodes, and Shannon and Stan go to investigate the crash to see if anyone is alive. Shannon also tells Stan she is cutting ties with her family, to avoid what their possible reaction would be when she told them she killed Kenny.

Monster Kenny[]

In the hospital, and due to the flowers weakening him and his lack of suppressing drugs and willpower, he succumbs to the infection and transforms into a monster, becoming one of the major antagonists in ObsCure II, becoming the most frequently fought boss throughout the game. He seems to have keep most of his intelligence, though he has become psychopathic, homicidal and sexually abusive.

The infection has the better of his will and turns him into a grotesque being endowed with intelligence and the ability to express himself, but totally devoid of humanity. In this guise, Kenny, intoxicated with his new force, reveals a dark and cruel side amplified by the Mortifilia feeding his insanity with the aggressiveness that the mutation provokes and frees a macabre perversion to all those who were once his friends.

First form[]

Monster Kenny

Monster Kenny.

His upper limbs grow to allow him to rest directly on these rather than on the legs, on his chest it opens a hole, while the rest of the body, though evidently changed, stays with a human appearance, particularly the facial features. His strength and his agility are increased dramatically allowing him to propel on the walls, move and jump more quickly by relying on his huge arms. In this state, Kenny can generate clouds of dark spores that become solid to throw at enemies with his hands causing average damage, but due to the "solidness" they can't infect others. At close range, he can attack with his upper limbs.

He can survive direct sunlight, as the final battle with him is set at dawn, but it should be noted that the light weakens him. This can be proved by certain factors:

In his 2nd battle he was crushed by a what appears to be a submarine propeller, which weigh equally, or a bit less than the reflectors of the stadium, and falls a great height with it on his back. Yet, he was not only able to survive that, but to recover in a span of a few hours, but in the last battle, set in the sunset, he is crushed by another heavy metal object, but this time, it delivers a fatal blow. It is important to note that the weight of the reflectors was distributed in 4 parts; Kenny being one and the other 3 would be the ground, so the weight applied on him, would be theoretically damaging, but less than the power generated by the crush of the propeller in the Dam.

Second form[]

Monster Kenny 2

Final boss form.

He seems to be able to mutate further than the form showed in the hospital, as his appearance has been changed in the last battle on the stadium. There is no explanation of the further mutation, but it can be theorized in 2 ways:

  • He mutates after a great amount of sustained damage, regenerating the missing cells and creating new ones. This can be explained by the fact that he was crushed on his back, where he had a little tail coming out from his "hump", and after the mutation a "claw-ending tentacle" was sticking out of the very same spot in Kenny's hump.
  • Or, his 2nd form was the one meant to be, as the "tentacle upper limb" took time to develop.


  • There is a high chance he was named after Kenny McCormick from South Park as there is also a Stan and a Mr. Garrison in the game.
  • Kenny's age is somewhat questionable, as he seems a bit too old to be a high school senior. He was born June 1984 (and the only of the main cast born this year), and the first game is set September 2003 according to the School Newspaper. This means that he is 19 during the first game and would be graduating high school in 2004 around the age of 20 when summer vacation starts. This suggests he may have been held back a year or two during his life. This may be a reference to one of the students in The Faculty who was held back a year.
  • In the first game, if a player runs for a while, the characters will mention Kenny's ability by saying "I'm exhausted! Kenny is a much better runner!" or " I'm tired of running! I'm not like Kenny!".
  • A misconception in the first game is that Kenny is strong enough to move heavy objects faster than the other characters. In actuality, Kenny's strength is equal to Stan and Josh and they can push faster than Ashley or Shannon. Kenny was not introduced as a physically strong character until the second game, a trait he shares with Sven.
  • Another misconception is when Kenny and Dan have to escape from the laboratory, that only Kenny is strong enough to push the cage blocking the exit. Dan can move it too. Both of them will say "It's blocked! Let's push the cage away!", though there is no feature to push it together in multiplayer mode.
  • In the second game, he is strong enough to open a sturdy window and push a wooden crate, three shelves filled with books, a stone pot plant, and a loudspeaker by himself in order to solve puzzles and progress through the game.
  • If Kenny pushes the arcade machine in the billiards room, nothing happens.
  • He's the only character who will not say anything while using his aptitude. However, in the second game, he will say "I think I can push that.", while seizing the stone pot plant. He also says "Good muscle tone... Its something to be proud of!" or "This reminds me: I have to go to the gym tomorrow", after moving the loudspeaker.
  • He's the only playable character who has mutated.
  • He's the oldest playable character.
  • He's the only one of the Leafmore Survivors who is confirmed to be dead.
  • If Kenny kills an enemy, he may say "astalavista, baby" which is wrongly prompted in the game's subtitles. This is a quote from Terminator 2 (the right way to say it would be "Hasta la vista, baby"). It is possible that the quote suggests Kenny is a fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • In the first game, one of his bonus outfits shows a beefcake squatting a long barbell on the front of his shirt, implying Kenny enjoys working out. Kenny may also be a bodybuilder.
  • In the second game, he has the least amount of potential partners out of all the main characters, with only 3 (Amy, Corey and Mei), while all other main characters have at least 4 or more potential partners.
  • For unknown reasons, possibly due to living with Mortifilia, his skin tone is quite a bit paler in the sequel.
  • While the other three characters didn't mention Josh's ability in the first game, Kenny is the only exception.
  • Kenny raping Amy has been considered by some players to be character assassination and has been used as a criticism against his character. However, although the game never explicitly reveals it, it is highly likely he would never rape anyone, and that the Mortifilia has been affecting his personality. (This is supported by a deleted scene where a victim found in the hospital, seemingly pregnant, mutates into the first appearance of the Breeder monster, suggesting the Mortifilia is merely using wombs as dark, damp breeding grounds for spores, much like how mould grows in dark, damp places.)
  • There is a parallel comparison between Kenny and professional wrestler/actor Jessie Godderz (aka Mr. PEC-Tacular). Both bare a similar resemblance and physique, started as teenage athletes, play football, have a sister (Godderz also has three brothers), act tough and cocky, became a father and a villian (Godderz only portrays himself as a villain on television), and can move heavy objects. Kenny maybe a bodybuilder, Godderz was a professional bodybuilder. Kenny's outfits in the games is similar to the ones Godderz wore when he was a contestant for two seasons on Big Brother. Kenny is possibly a fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger as he quoted one of the actor's movie lines, Godderz is a fan of Schwarzenegger. The games were released years prior to Godderz's stardom. Interestingly, Kenny was born in 1984 and Godderz was born in 1986.



ObsCure II[]

Kenny MatthewsShannon MatthewsJosh CarterAshley ThompsonStan Jones
Herbert FriedmanDenny WaldenElisabeth WicksonMr. GarrisonDanAlan Gardener
BiterInfected StudentEvolved InfectedCrawler FlyCrabArbolTrebolQueenLeonard Friedman
Automatic PistolBaseball BatMetal BarOld ShotgunOld PistolRevolverTwo Barrel ShotgunFlashlightLaserMorgenstern BatLaser GunLight Grenade
Leafmore High (CafeteriaHerbert's OfficeGymnasium)
ItemsSecrets and Unlockables
Shannon MatthewsStan JonesKenny MatthewsCorey WildeAmy BrookesSven HansenMei WangJun Wang
Richard JamesJedidiah FriedmanΔΘГ Brotherhood
AmorphousArbolTrebolBreederEvolved InfectedHarpyRunnerSpider Biter
Baseball BatHockey StickGolf ClubChainsawMorgenstern BatPistolStun GunShotgunCrossbowFlashballUber FlashlightMini SMGFlare GunDynamiteFlashlightLight Grenade
City of FallcreekFallcreek UniversityDelta Theta Gamma Frat HouseFallcreek University HospitalFallcreek's DamTurtle Stone IslandLeonard Friedman's ResidenceLeafmore HighLincoln Stadium
ItemsSecrets and Unlockables