- "Woah, your story's starting to get interesting! Alright, I'll go with you, but you better not be punking me."
Stanley "Stan" Jones is a playable character in ObsCure and ObsCure II.
In the first game, he is the second one introduced out of four, and is known to be Kenny Matthews' best friend. The player's control of him or lack thereof, determines if he will appears in cutscenes.
He later returns the sequel, 2 years after the events of the first game. Stan meets the other group, when Shannon Matthews calls him to help in the nightmare again. He has extraordinary skills in hacking and lock-picking and is able to lock-pick at a much faster pace with ease, unlike the other characters.
Stan has a very relaxed and laid-back personality. He shown to be someone who can easily calm anyone, as he quickly calms Kenny down, after he gets irritated by Josh.
He isn't great a studying and prefers taking shortcuts. His report card says that he is already risking repeating a grade for the 3rd time and his teacher's notes show that he already has mostly Fs. His profile claims he is "genuinely capable" of getting decent grades but he apparently just doesn't care about school and is said to frequently miss class for "unjustifiable" reasons. He tries fixing this problem by hacking onto the computer and editing his notes. He also offers to edit other student's notes for only 50 dollars. Event throughout the events of Obscure, he speaks with a relaxed voice and often has sarcastic remarks.
The events of the first game has changed his personality a bit. He very easily lost his temper and ended up in prison. In the time he spent in prison, he learned some discipline and in Obscure 2, he is shown to be more serious and mature, while maintaining his old calm personality. He is able to reassure Shannon that they still have something to fight for and the two hook up.
Stan's special ability is that he can quickly crack locks. Stan also has a great eye at spotting fragile locks, As the player can also use his ability to scan a room for any fragile locks. His default line for using his ability in a room without any locks is "There are no locks left!".
In the first game, Stan is not a very good fighter, but he runs slightly faster than Shannon and Ashley. He is also the second physically strongest character in the first game, only behind Kenny.
Stan is the only character that retains his ability from the first game in Obscure 2. While he cannot scan for any fragile locks anymore, he can easily pick locks. He claims, he has mastered this skill while serving time in prison.
The Events of Leafmore High[]
Stan is introduced in the game and is first seen playing basketball with Kenny and several other players. When Kenny is hostile to Josh for "being in the way", Stan calms Kenny down and states to head for the showers. He then left with the others after asking Kenny if he would go as well, only for Kenny to decide to stay at the gym, to continue shooting hoops.

Stan found hacking the school computers to improve his grades.
After the disappearance of Kenny and the accidental entrapment of Shannon, Josh and Ashley in the school premises in search of him, they eventually saw Stan in the principal room hacking into school records and changing his class grades and even offered the trio to do the same to theirs albeit in exchange for fifty dollars. After explaining what is currently happening inside the school, he is skeptic of what his friends are saying but he eventually came along with the party after some convincing and to see what's going on.
Together with the party, he eventually uncovered the mystery surrounding the sudden disappearances of students in the campus that the horde of mutated monsters they are facing are the missing students themselves and having been experimented by the head of the school, Herbert Friedman. Stan and the group found Kenny imprisoned in an underground laboratory only to be imprisoned too after Friedman tossed a gas grenade, causing the group to lose consciousness and find themselves also injected with the same spore virus that could turn them into the very things they have dreaded and feared. Stan and the group managed to escape and got back on the surface, then went on and visited the nurse at the infirmary, Elisabeth Lucy Wickson, Friedman's accomplice, only to find her on the verge of dying. With her last breath, she said to the group that there is an antidote in Friedman's underground laboratory.

Stan with the other survivors in the Good Ending.
Stan proceeded to help the group find the said laboratory and after doing so, encountered a dying Herbert and Leonard Friedman, one of the school's head founder and brother to Herbert Friedman, having grotesquely mutated into a tree-like monster after performing the experimentation on himself many years ago. Stan and the group battled Leonard and soundly defeated him. Stan emerged out of the rubble and walked upwards into the wrecked school gym along with the briefcase containing the antidote. They injected each other with the antidote and moments later, a still alive Leonard emerged and attacked the group once more. With the help of sunlight, Stan and the party destroyed Leonard Friedman.
The Events of Fallcreek University[]
- "Ex-Leafmore High student, Stan Jones is a solitary bad boy imprisoned by the past. There is no lock that he can't pick, no misfortune that he can't turn to his own advantage. He has learned that life can be very cruel and has come to terms with that. Stan is not familiar with the casual idleness of college life: he has a full-time job as a delivery truck driver and Fallcreek University is just an address in his service book."
- — Description
The story of ObsCure: The Aftermath takes place two years after the events of ObsCure. Like Kenny, Stan could not handle the spores that had infected him and now has to take medication to keep the spores at bay and counter its effects. Stan is the narrator of the game's introduction, and tells the player how the story is from his point of view and gives a small recap of what happened in the previous game. He has served time in jail because of "doing a lot of bad stuff" after the events in ObsCure and he now works as a pizza delivery boy to make ends meet. He is the only member of the original group who did not attend Fallcreek.
After running out of medicine, Kenny tries to contact Stan in hopes of helping him with his situation but couldn't reached him in time. With Kenny's sudden mutation, Shannon contacted Stan successfully and asked for his aid. After meeting with Shannon once again, they tracked Kenny in the hospital warehouse and found Corey impaled(but still alive) in a metal bar, a dead Mei, and the rest knocked unconscious. Stan and Shannon battled Kenny and forced Kenny to flee.
The group escaped in Stan's delivery van. However, Stan had crashed the van in a nearby cliff after encountering one of the mutated monsters on the road. Stan awoke with Shannon inside the crashed van and the duo decided to secure the nearby Fallcreek Dam in order to shelter their wounded. After exploring the structure, they both find Amy inside the dam, much to their surprise and could not reach her due to the elevator being broken. Stan then started to feel dizzy and Shannon contacted Sven and Corey for help. As they have successfully rescued Amy, Kenny struck once again and admitted that he kidnapped Amy. Stan escaped along with Sven, Amy, and Professor James while Corey and Shannon stayed behind to kill Kenny.

Stan and Shannon share a kiss.
Stan and the rest of the party managed to get to the lake and used the boats to escape, but got separated along the way. Stan, along with Professor James, had arrived on Turtle Stone Island. Stan got reunited with Shannon and after hearing a distant scream, decides to find Amy and Sven. Arriving to where the scream came, Stan and Shannon shared a passionate kiss together before proceeding. They stumbled upon a house which Corey and Professor James had also found. They explored the house and found a terrified Amy hiding inside a closet. Amy told them that Sven and herself managed to find the house first but was attacked by a disfigured man with a chainsaw. Sven holds off the assailant while she escapes but suspects that Sven might have been captured. Stan and the survivors were able to find Sven but were too late as he was already impaled onto a meat hook and was slowly dying. The assailant showed himself and escaped through the already closing door but Stan managed to get through and chased him, with Shannon as Stan's company.
As they were exploring the underground ruins to find Sven's killer, Stan and Shannon can't help but felt nostalgic about the place only to find that they have been lead back to Leafmore High, the very place where their worst nightmare had occur. Corey, Amy and Professor James caught up with the duo at Leafmore High. After finding the assailant, Stan was shocked to discover that what was left of Leonard Friedman is still alive and is being cared for by Sven's killer, who turned out to be Leonard's son, Jedidiah, and is also responsible for growing the flowers that had infected most of the populace of Fallcreek. Stan and Corey battled Friedman and Jedidiah with Friedman being finally killed and Jedidiah slayed by Corey with an electric chainsaw, finally avenging Sven's death.
As the two rendezvous with the others, they find Amy already pregnant and is being taken along with Shannon by a group of unknown men in an ambulance. Professor James admitted that they're his colleagues from Delta Theta Gamma and they wish to study the plant and they need Stan and the group as test subjects. Both Stan and Shannon are the only survivors left in ObsCure II.
- His appearance was heavily inspired by the character Zeke Tyler, interpreted by the actor Josh Hartnett, in the horror film "The Faculty".
- There is a high chance he was named after Stan Marsh from South Park as there is also a Kenny and a Mr. Garrison in the game. However, there is also a chance his name also comes from The Faculty as there is a main character named Stan in the film.
- In the first game, the player's can mention Stan's ability while picking a lock by saying "Stan would be faster than this!".
- In his ObsCure appearance, he has the Hydravision logo in his shirt.
- On the first floor of the teachers' room in Leafmore High School, it will be possible to find his report card. Examining it, all his companions will agree that his grades suck.
- In both titles, Stan is the last character to realize the presence of the monsters. In the first he's found by Josh, Ashley and Shannon in the building of the classrooms while changing his notes and he will be reluctant to believe the existence of the creatures. In the second game, Stan is going through the City of Fallcreek aboard his van and is called by Kenny, to meet him in the hospital, just to find out the new invasion of monsters.
- While it is never mandatory for Stan and Amy to be partnered up in Obscure II, it is recommended that they be paired up when exploring Leonard Friedman's Residence, as Stan needs to pick one of the door's locks, and when in the area that he unlocked, Amy needs to decrypt a picture that can be used to help solve a puzzle. Having them together will save time on having to go back and switch characters.
ObsCure II[]
Characters |
Main |
Kenny Matthews • Shannon Matthews • Josh Carter • Ashley Thompson • Stan Jones |
Recurring |
Herbert Friedman • Denny Walden • Elisabeth Wickson • Mr. Garrison • Dan • Alan Gardener |
Creatures |
Biter • Infected Student • Evolved Infected • Crawler Fly • Crab • ArbolTrebol • Queen • Leonard Friedman |
Weapons |
Automatic Pistol • Baseball Bat • Metal Bar • Old Shotgun • Old Pistol • Revolver • Two Barrel Shotgun • Flashlight • Laser • Morgenstern Bat • Laser Gun • Light Grenade |
Locations |
Leafmore High (Cafeteria • Herbert's Office • Gymnasium) |
Archives |
Items • Secrets and Unlockables |
Characters |
Main |
Shannon Matthews • Stan Jones • Kenny Matthews • Corey Wilde • Amy Brookes • Sven Hansen • Mei Wang • Jun Wang |
Recurring |
Richard James • Jedidiah Friedman • ΔΘГ Brotherhood |
Creatures |
Amorphous • ArbolTrebol • Breeder • Evolved Infected • Harpy • Runner • Spider Biter |
Weapons |
Baseball Bat • Hockey Stick • Golf Club • Chainsaw • Morgenstern Bat • Pistol • Stun Gun • Shotgun • Crossbow • Flashball • Uber Flashlight • Mini SMG • Flare Gun • Dynamite • Flashlight • Light Grenade |
Locations |
City of Fallcreek • Fallcreek University • Delta Theta Gamma Frat House • Fallcreek University Hospital • Fallcreek's Dam • Turtle Stone Island • Leonard Friedman's Residence • Leafmore High • Lincoln Stadium |
Archives |
Items • Secrets and Unlockables |