ObsCure Wiki

The Stun Gun is a weapon introduced in ObsCure II.


It's the first weapon found in the Item boxes in the game. Although you can obtain it at any point in the game if you haven't opened any item boxes yet, the first place where it can be obtained is the item box in the dance hall of the Brotherhood's Frat House. Like all other item boxes, it requires 3 small keys to open it.


It is a long-range electric gun. It emits a powerful jolt of electricity at the enemy, which, after a prolonged period of exposure to the jolt, eventually falls to the ground and starts to convulse.
The enemy will get up rather quickly, so the player (or second player) should kill it as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, it consumes the battery rather quickly and has virtually no effect on bosses.


The stun gun cannot be used on its own to defeat most enemies. Regardless, it is still a very useful support item that can tie up an enemy long enough to either get past it or to allow the other character to run in and kill it while it is down. Smaller enemies can be outright fried by it, but against multiple human-sized enemies, its use is risky. It fires a beam of electricity that stuns its target, but only does minor damage. It runs on a battery that can be recharged at electrical panels, meaning that it should be used cautiously.


Shannon MatthewsStan JonesKenny MatthewsCorey WildeAmy BrookesSven HansenMei WangJun Wang
Richard JamesJedidiah FriedmanΔΘГ Brotherhood
AmorphousArbolTrebolBreederEvolved InfectedHarpyRunnerSpider Biter
Baseball BatHockey StickGolf ClubChainsawMorgenstern BatPistolStun GunShotgunCrossbowFlashballUber FlashlightMini SMGFlare GunDynamiteFlashlightLight Grenade
City of FallcreekFallcreek UniversityDelta Theta Gamma Frat HouseFallcreek University HospitalFallcreek's DamTurtle Stone IslandLeonard Friedman's ResidenceLeafmore HighLincoln Stadium
ItemsSecrets and Unlockables